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Isolation and Synthesis of the First Natural 6-Hydroxyimino-3-oxo-4-en Steroid from the Sponge Cynachyrella spp.
Lucia Nuñez, Jaime Rodriguez, Solange Peixinho, Carlos Jimenez.
Tetrahedron Let. 1997, 38, 1833-1836

Koreoside A, a New Nonholostane Triterpene Glycoside from the Sea Cucumber Cucumaria koraiensis
S. A. Avilov, A. I. Kalinovsky, V. I. Kalinin, V. A. Stonik, Ricardo Riguera, Carlos Jimenez.
J. Nat. Prod. 1997, 60, 808-810

Structure of Eximisoside A, a Novel Triterpene Glycoside from the Far-Eastern Sea Cucumber Psolus eximis
V. I. Kalinin, S. A. Avilov, E. Y. Kalinina, O. G. Korolkova, A. I. Kalinovsky, V.A. Stonik, R. Riguera, C. Jimenez
J. Nat. Prod. 1997, 60, 817-819

Cytotoxic Triterpene Glycosides from Far-Eastern Sea Cucumbers belonging to the genus Cucumaria
O. A. Drozdova, S. A. Avilov, V. I. Kalinin, A. I. Kalinovsky, V. A. Stonik, R. Riguera, C. Jimenez
Lieb. Ann. Chem. 1997, 2351-2356

Boussingoside E, a New Triterpenoid Saponin from the Tubers of Boussingaultia baselloides.
Alfonso Espada, Carlos Jimenez, Ricardo Riguera
J. Nat. Prod. 1997, 60, 17-19. (Erratum J. Nat. Prod. 1997, 60, 868)

Anti-Aggregant Effects on Human Platelets of the Crude Aqueous Extract and Polar Fractions of the Microalga Dunaliella tertiolecta
R. M. Villar, M. R. Laguna, D. Martínez, L. Nuñez, C. Jiménez
Phytotherapy Research, 1997, 11, 70-72