Structural analysis of the siderophores produced by the two subspecies of Photobacterium damselae: developing new antibiotics and vaccines" subproject within the coordinated project entitled "Comparative Analysis of siderophore synthesis in Photobacterium damselae subsps: new methods of prevention and control vibriosis and pasteurellosis in fish.
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Ref. AGL2012-39274-C02-02.
2012-2015, Carlos Jiménez González
Genetic analysis and chemical synthesis of siderophores from Aeromonas salmonicida: antibacterial and design of new vaccines to furunculosis.
Xunta de Galicia, Ref: 10PXIB235157PR.
2010-2013, Carlos Jiménez González
Isolation and structural characterization of the siderophore produced by Photobacterium damselae subsp piscicida, similar generation and its application to the development of new antibacterials. Coordinated within the project entitled "Characterization of virulence factors encoded by mobile genetic elements in fish pathogen Photobacterium damselae subsp piscicida.
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Ref. AGL2009-12266-C02-02.
2010-2012, Carlos Jiménez González
Completed Projects
Development, synthesis and characterization of antibacterial against vibriosis Turbot and clam, structures based on siderophores produced by Vibrio anguillarum and V. Alginolyticus.
Xunta de Galicia, Ref: PGIDIT05RMA10302PR.
2005-2008, Carlos Jiménez González
Isolation and characterization of new siderophores produced by Vibrio anguillarum strains pathogenic for turbot.
Xunta de Galicia Ref: PGIDT00MAR10301PN.
2000-2001, Carlos Jiménez González
Isolation and characterization of new siderophores produced by Vibrio anguillarum strains pathogenic for turbot.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Ref. MAR99-0287
1999-2001, Carlos Jiménez González