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Dra. Larissa Buedenbender


Dra. Larissa Buedenbender
Investigadora Post-doctoral, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Program
+ 34 881 015588 (CICA)


In 2018, Larissa obtained her PhD in Natural Products Chemistry at Griffith University, Australia under the supervision of Prof Anthony Carroll. Her thesis titled “Integrated approaches for marine actinomycete biodiscovery” explored the biotechnological potential of actinomycetes from underexplored ecological niches and focused on the development of new dereplication approaches using 2D NMR to make informed strain prioritisation for natural product drug discovery. Following her PhD, Larissa secured a postdoctoral position at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany, where she used predominately LC-MS/MS metabolomics techniques to aid the isolation of bioactive compounds from marine microorganisms and algae. From 2020-2021, Larissa worked at a commercial laboratory as an analytical chemist performing consulting and research in the field of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and human biomonitoring. At the end of 2021, Larissa joined the PRONAMR research group at CICA and has since implemented a metabolomics workflow used in various projects. In 2022, Larissa was awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship for her proposal “chelOMICS: Application of multi-OMICS approaches to provide a holistic understanding of siderophore mediated host-pathogen interactions and new diagnostic options for aquaculture fish infections”. In this interdisciplinary project, Larissa is implementing metabolomics, proteomics and metagenomics tools to obtain comprehensive insights into the disease phenotype of cultured Solea senegalensis infected with V. anguillarum and study the role of siderophores in the disease progression. Furthermore, she aims to evaluate the use of piscibactin, a siderophore produced by V. anguillarum, as a biomarker for the early detection of vibriosis.