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Carlos Jimenez Gonzalez


Pr. Dr. Carlos Jimenez
Full Professor
+ 34 881 012170 (Faculty of Sciences)
+ 34 881 015588 (CICA)

Carlos Jiménez is Full Professor in Organic Chemistry from University of A Coruña (UDC) in Spain. He studied chemistry at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) where he gets his Bachelor (1984) and his PhD degree (1988) under the supervision of Dr Luis Castedo and Ricardo Riguera. After receiving his PhD, he spent more than 3 years in U.S.A. as a postdoctoral fellow firstly at the University of Santa Cruz with Prof. Phil Crews (1988-1990), working in marine natural products, and then at the Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation in La Joya, San Diego, with Dr. Alfonso Tramontano (1990-91), working in antibodies as catalyst. Back to Spain, he became assistant Professor in 1992 at the University of A Coruña and gained his Full Professor position there in 2010. He was Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Sciences from 1999 to 2005 and Head of the Department of Fundamental Chemistry from 2009 to 2013 at UDC. Since 2015, he is the President of the executive board of the Specialized Group of Natural Products Chemistry of the RSEQ. He is one of the coordinator of the Marine Natural Products group (PRONAMAR) which is integrated into the research group Chemistry of Materials and Molecular Chemistry (QUIMOLMAT) belonging to the Catalogue of the consolidate research groups at UDC and Consolidate Reference Groups of the Regional Government, Xunta Galicia.

Prof. Carlos Jiménez is the co-author of over 100 peer-reviewed articles, 3 patents, 4 book chapters, coeditor of a book and over 100 communications at National and International Congresses. He supervised 12 PhD theses and 23 Master’theses. He gave several talks, seminars and courses at diverse National and International Universities mainly in America (USA, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Guatemala, Panama, etc.). He has had participated in more than 30 Research Projects, being Principal Investigator in 19 of them. Moreover, he has collaborated with pharmaceutical companies such as Laboratorios del Dr Esteve (Barcelona), Pharmamar SA (Madrid), Euroespes SA (A Coruña) y BioFungitek (San Sebastián).

Complete CV (PDF)