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Jaime Rodriguez Gonzalez

jaime rodr

Pr. Dr. Jaime Rodríguez
+ 34 881 012173 (Faculty of Sciences)
+ 34 881 015588 (CICA)

Jaime Rodriguez is an Associate Professor since 2000 in the area of Organic Chemistry at the Department of Fundamental Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of A Coruña (UDC). He earned his BA in Chemistry in 1988 and his PhD in Organic Chemistry (1991) from the University of Santiago de Compostela. After four years at the University of California (Santa Cruz) as a Research Associate with the research group of Professor Phil Crews, in 1995 joint  the University of A Coruña as Assistant  Professor. He was Secretary of the Department of Fundamental Chemistry, and during the period 2005-2013 was the Support Services Research Manager at the University of A Coruña. Along to Professor Carlos Jimenez leads the Research Group Marine Natural Products (PRONAMAR) in the University of A Coruña.
He has published more than 75 publications in international journals and book chapters, mainly focused in the field of natural products and the development of new strategies for structural elucidation by nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. Author of two patents granted by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, has participated in many international Congresses mostly as Plenary Lecturer and participating in some of them in the organizing comitte.
It is co-authored with Professors Marcel Jaspars and Phillip Crews of the Oxford University Press Primer Organic Structure Analysis published in 2009 as second edition.

Since July 2013 is the Coordinator of the Scientific Advanced Research Center (CICA) at the University of A Coruna. 

Complete CV (english) (PDF)